To combat vaccine hesitancy among Hispanic and other populations, Vida has launched a second vaccination campaign named #VacunasMásVida in collaboration with...

Many seniors find themselves far away from their loved ones. At Vida Senior Centers, we see holidays as a time of celebration, love, hope ...

Thanksgiving is not a traditional Latin American holiday but Vida's seniors have adopted Thanksgiving as part of their traditional holiday celebrations....

On October 8 Vida Senior Centers held a grand event celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month together with the DC Mayor's Office ...

En este episodio, conoce la importancia de vacunarse contra el COVID-19 y porque es tan importante para la salud publica nacional. Hoy la Dra. Nancy Magaly Ojeda nos explica mas...

En este episodio, conoce las distintas vacunas disponibles contra el COVID-19 y entérate de la iniciativa a la cual se ha unido Vida Senior Centers para continuar inmunizando a la...

Normally, when you are young, you do not think that the way we live now will reflect our health and our lives when we are older adults. Raising awareness of...